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localized state中文是什么意思

用"localized state"造句"localized state"怎么读"localized state" in a sentence


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  • Modulation of photonic bandgap and localized states by dielectric constant contrast and filling factor in photonic crystals
  • The tail of localized states in the band gap is formed , and in the high temperature range , the behavior of metallic conduction can be observed
    并根据其电导、载流子浓度、迁移率随温度的变化分析zno : al薄膜的导电机制。
  • From an analytic treatment , the state is determined by the nanotube diameter rather than chirality . the corresponding image of local density of states in real space shows a highly localized state around the defect
  • There is also energy band structure for photons in photonic crystal , which is similar as that for electrons in natural crystal ( electronic crysta1 ) . localized state will ap - pear if there is an impurity or defect
  • Secondly , based on the discussion of the dynamical characteristics of bloch electron driven by two - mode ac electrical fields we find a localization condition of the bloch electron on a localized state and then extend this result to the multi - field case
用"localized state"造句  
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